CSA Co-op Season

The Organic Produce Co-op season is 26 weeks usually beginning the first Wednesday of November and ending the last Wednesday of April and consists of FRUITS and VEGETABLES. 


How it works

  • Co-op members have first chance to reserve their Summer Season share. Annually, the Summer Season runs May - October.
  • Each week members receive a box of both vegetables and fruit
  • All produce is certified organic
  • Members pay wholesale prices plus a small mark up to cover labor for packing, and managing the system itself. All proceeds go right into funding the Summer Season CSA farm operation
  • Members save over retail organic prices, while supporting their local organic farm
  • Members pick up their boxes at the farm each week.
  • Members can buy extra of certain items or exchange items they don't want in their box for something different. Details are posted at the farm.
  • As available add seasonal u-pick greens and herbs for free!
  • Members receive periodic Farm newsletters with delicious and nutritious recipes, useful tips and information.


What can I expect to receive in a co-op season box?

Our co-op boxes provide a wide variety of produce. Here are some of the things we had in previous years. Lettuce, celery, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes, leeks, different types of potatoes, peppers, carrots, peas, beans, several types of winter squash, yams, beets, cilantro, cucumbers, spinach, gr. onions, cabbage, different kinds of tomatoes, salad mixes, Asian pears, pears, apples, bananas, oranges, kiwi, grapefruit, avocados, tangerines, lemons, satsumas, artichokes, asparagus, zucchini, sunburst squash, eggplant, persimmons, bok choy, chard, kale, mango, strawberries, melons, grapes, etc.

Each week boxes will contain 7 varieties of vegetables and 3 to 5 varieties of fruits.

This is a great way for people to afford to eat organic. Members eat higher quality produce and pay much less than at the grocery store, all while supporting their local farm.


Pick up day

Members can pick up on Wednesday between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. For missed pick ups, we are open Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 

Members can opt out when giving a minimum 3 day notice and receive a credit to use towards future produce or plant purchases.


Size of shares

Regular shares will feed an average family of 2 to 4 people. Many larger families will also find it to be plenty for them. Small shares will feed an average family of 1 to 2 people. Each family varies in the amount of produce they consume.


Payment options

Purchase your shares online or save 3.5% by downloading the order form and pay with cash or check. You may also receive a discount for signing up after the season begins, your cost is adjusted for only the weeks remaining in the season. Pay in full at sign up or pay in five installments. Prices are listed on each product.



Earn a $10 credit for each friend that signs up through your referral.

'I want to thank you for educating me on the way I view fruits and vegetables.

I used to stop at the store after work and buy chips and pop as a snack.  Because of your influence I’m still stopping at the store but now I’m buying a plum or a nectarine.  In my whole life I’ve never had much interest in fresh produce but now I’m eating it and loving it, and then looking forward to new (to me) fruits and vegetables you send home with me every week.'

Joel Camp

'Hi Jen and family –
Thanks for all your hard work that allows us to enjoy organic produce every week!  Your organization and attention to detail is evident in your newsletters, the “look” of the farm, and the pick-up area.  I’m enjoying trying new recipes with unfamiliar (to me!) veggies, thanks to your website recipe file.  I look forward to Wednesday’s! With gratefulness,'


'My husband Mike is a VERY picky Apple eater.  It's very hard to get apples that he likes - the right taste, the right crunch, the right smell, the right color, you name it, the whole package.  Mike gave you a huge compliment yesterday, he said "Brenda, those apples from The Farm are really good - they actually taste like apples!"  That's a huge compliment!'
