Since 2005, we've been selling tomato plants directly from the greenhouse. All plants are started in organic potting soil with organic fertilizer which are also available for purchase.

Prepare your 2025 order ahead:

Plant sale dates are always the first two Saturdays of May and the Wednesday in between. Dates are May 3 and May 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and May 7 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Scroll down to read about the tomato plant varieties we offer and make your list.
All plants will be sold first come first serve.
In addition to tomatoes, we will have several pepper varieties, organic potting soil, and seedling mix. We will also have Walt's Organic Fish Fertilizer available in three bag sizes.
Payment options; cash, checks, and Venmo at the time of purchase.
Remember to tell your friends by sharing this page on Facebook or by sending them an email .

We love to hear from you!

Let us know what varieties you would like to see available from us!

'One happy customer writes... "I have never purchased plants as healthy and awesome as yours.'


'I can't tell you how much we've enjoyed this experience, and what a big impact your farm has had on both of us. I can't imagine going back to grocery store produce. We'll definitely be ongoing customers!'

Laura and John Six

Tomato Plant Varieties

Big Beef

Colossal fruit size and yield with old fashioned, rich flavor. Great choice for virtually any climate. Good disease resistance. Smooth fruits are globe shaped weighing 9 to 16 oz.

Early Girl

Tasty, full-sized fruits early in the season. Meaty, ripe, red fruits 4 to 6 oz. are slightly fattened and crimson throughout. Very appealing with firm texture and blemish resistant skin. Heavy yield on hardy vines.

Early Goliath

Superb size, perfect shape, continuous production, luscious flavor. Extra large harvests of big 8oz. fruit. 58 days. Deep red, tasty, large fruits. Disease resistant. Good early season producer.

New Girl

Exclusive! First early, great flavor. Fruits avg. 4–6 oz. and have better flavor and are more disease resistant than Early Girl. Widely adapted. Indeterminate. USDA Certified Organic.


The best combination of extreme earliness and big, slicer type fruits. Matures in 52 days! Big, deep red 8 to 10 oz. fruits that are tasty and nearly seedless.

Sunny Boy

70 days. High yields of citrus yellow, 8 to 12 oz beefsteaks that are globe shaped and mild flavored. Firm enough for colorful slices for sandwiches and bright enough to near luminosity to any salad!

Mountain Magic

Produces big tresses of up to a dozen perfectly uniform, 13/4 inch fruit that are deliciuosly tropical tasting with low acid. Disease resistant.

Bush Varieties

Bush Champion

Great choice for small space gardens and containers. Compact plants grow just 24’ tall, producing extra heavy yields of big 8 to 12 oz. fruits with excellent flavor.

Bush Early Girl

This "determinate sister" to popular Early Girl delivers the same desirable qualities in a compact, patio sized variety. Extreme earliness and huge yields of firm, meaty, flavorful fruits.

Heirloom Hybrids

Cherokee Carbon

Yields more and matures earlier (78 days) like a hybrid with the unbeatable flavor of an heirloom! A robust purple beefsteak with intensely rich flavor. Big 10 to 12 oz. fruits with a sweet taste.


Great for the northwest. Early maturing (72 days), big yields and exceptional flavor! Combines the legendary sweet flavor of Brandywine with the gigantic yields of the Italian heirloom Costoluto Genovese. Beautiful, smooth, slightly ribbed, bright red fruit!


Ananas Noire

85 days. Also known as black pineapple with a distinctive striped interior of pink, red, green and yellow. Produce an abundance of large dark purple fruits averaging up to 16 to 24 oz. Complex hearty tomato taste that’s both sweet and rich, with smoky and acidic undertones. Makes great tomato sauce!

Brandy Wine

An Amish Heirloom that dates back to 1885 and considered to be among the worlds best flavored tomatoes! Plants look like potato vines with good yield of extra-large fruits.

German Johnson

75 days. Vigorous, high yielding Brandywine type. Fruits have lots of deep, acidic tomato flavor and a rich creamy texture. This is a regular leaf stain which is earlier and more productive that the potato leaf strain.

Giant Oxheart

90 days. Thick flesh and few seeds. Mild, sweet, old timey flavor. Fruits are deep rase pink, firm, meaty and heart shaped. Variously yields 12oz to 2lb fruits. High yields!

Mr. Stripey

80 days. Favorite bi-colored Heirloom. Large, mild, sweet, red and yellow striped, meaty, firm fruits.

Mortgage Lifter

80 days. This famous classic has large, meaty, smooth, globe shaped, rosy pink fruits. Unusual, mildly sweet flavor.

Cherry Varieties


Esterina floored us in our trials with its uniquely rich, full, and robust flavor evocative of sweet molasses. The slightly elongated, 1 1/4 inch, golden yellow cherry tomatoes set early in beautiful trusses. Esterina's huge, continuous tomato production will enliven your salads, or enjoy just-off-the-plant snacking all summer long! Vigorous, indeterminate plants. TMV, V. 60 days.

Husky Cherry

This one is great for container gardening! Season-long production of outstanding fruits 1 inch size and featuring excellent flavor. It's dwarf growing habit and quality production make it a perfect choice for small spaces and container gardening.

Jelly Bean

Grape-like fruits aptly named for their bite-sized sweetness and intense red color. Heavy clusters of up to 30 fruits each mature early on plants that have good disease resistance.


A favorite of TRF members. These bite size golden beauties have that "oh so sweet" fresh from the vine flavor. Heavy producer.


Another TRF favorite. The ultimate in cherry tomatoes, this golden yellow beauty achieves a new level of sugary sweetness and flavor, superb texture and a tangy "true tomato" taste. These 1/2 oz. fruits possess thin skins- remarkable, considering it's wonderful crack resistance, even in heavy rains. Heavy, early cropper.

Super Sweet 100

This well known cherry tomato produces long strands of super sweet fruits that weigh about 1oz. each. Extra high in vitamin C. Plants continue to bear fruit throughout the season.


La Roma lll

76 days. Determinate. Classic Italian Roma with better uniformity and vigor. High yields of 5 to 8 oz fruits. Superb disease resistance. Ideal for pastas and sauces!

San Marzano

Long, blocky fruits with only a small seed cavity making it easy to remove seeds leaving meat. Less boiling/first class paste. Excellent choice for canning or drying. 80 days.


Super Toma Verde Tomatillo

Heavy-early yields. Great choice for Salsa Verde as larger 3-6 oz fruits are easier to process.

Hanging Baskets


Perfect for hanging baskets and containers! A nice 16 to 20 inch bush variety. Thrives without a lot of attention. Juicy red cherry fruits averaging 1 and 1/4 inch across and just under 1 oz. Compact plants are trailing but tidy. Fruits resist cracking even in direct sun for near perfect yields all summer long.